
NO.1 Hanghai West Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

Routine maintenance about electric sprayer

Date:2013-11-26 10:01:08    Click:

For a new electric sprayer, use a bucket to open after being charged simply put off the wires inside can be plugged in to charge . Electric fogger normal maintenance is also very important, in general, after electric sprayer immediately after use to charge the individual who finished in use , forget the timely charge, think of it the next day when the rechargeable battery has been scrapped by half, Therefore, in normal use and maintenance is also very important , it decided the electric sprayer life.
Sprayer diaphragm suddenly no water after working for some time, mostly due to unclean particulate impurities , resulting in blockage of the pump , and you just need to pump apart, clean the inside of the impurities , the pump can be normal working. process water leakage can occur if used , check whether it is loose screws , tighten all the screws first well to be replaced if the head is still leaking .
After using the best electric sprayer with clean water to remain in the liquid pump to clear out , the medicine also need to be cleaned barrel , especially to the slack season best to come out with the oil pump motor demolition clean up , add some butter to prevent rust next year motor is not working .
Note: For either a rechargeable battery maintenance later under what circumstances it is best to have run out of battery power inside , this is the best battery maintenance, such a situation the longest battery life . Sprayer charging requires attention to two points :
( 1 ) Pay attention to moisture mildew , prevent water, placed in the ventilation should be used .
( 2 ) By identifying the battery positive " +" negative " - " connected , so as to avoid damage to the charger . 

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